Project List
Comprehensive reconstruction of Dundas St. from Quebec St. to McCormick Blvd. Removed over 1500 meters of existing storm sewer during installation of new sewer infrastructure. Included up to 1950mm diameter storm pipe with 3m diameter maintenance holes. Significant upgrades to existing telecommunication lines and extensive restoration including decorative sidewalk panels.
Reconstruction of Sarnia Road including Storm and Sanitary Sewer as well as Watermain. Featured the installation of Bioretention Cells as part of the Storm water management system.
Large scale excavation and regrade of multiple Landfills in Sarnia. Completed 400,000 cubic meters of regrade, compacted 190,000 cubic meters of topsoil and placed 30,000 cubic meters of new topsoil. Upgraded existing stormwater management ponds including excavation, placing geotextile fabric, granular bedding and installation of drainage culverts.
Upgrade of storm and sanitary sewer infrastructure. Excavated nearly 10m deep for installation of 825mm sanitary pipe. Involved a highly complicated 5-way intersection at Campbell St, Hamlyn St and Wharncliffe Rd which was completed in several phases and involved complicated but successful traffic control measures. Complicated electrical infrastructure installed across the intersection.